Eating Disorders - the silent killer

Anorexia & Bulimia Nervosa 

Anorexia: or Anorexia Nervosa is a medical condition of the mind most commonly known as an eating disorder. 

Warning Signs? Normally those with anorexia begin to diet in attempts to lose weight. These diets usually lead to obsession in which the person undergoes starving themselves in order to lose the weight that they assume they have. In certain cases, those with anorexia will also associate other things such as popping weight loss pills (dietary supplements), taking laxatives or partaking in an excessive amount of exercise to achieve their unrealistic goals. These actions become their daily routine because they feel as though they are "in control" of their weight. The actions listed above become their obsession or addiction which make treating this disorder a little more difficult. 

Who's at Risk? 95% of females are affected; mostly being teenage girls. Males and those of all ages can develop this disorder as well, although it is less common. Many doctors associate those who are in professional occupations (dancers, athletes, models, etc..) may be at a higher risk due to the pressures of attaining a slimmer figure. 

Causes? There are no known scientific causes of anorexia nervosa. However, some factors - dysfunctional part of the brain, trouble eating as an infant, genetics, pressures in society, etc..) are some possibilities but none are entirely accurate. 

Treatment? Outpatient or hospitalised treatment options are available for those suffering with anorexia. However, those with severe cases of malnutrition and organ damage will more then likely be put under hospital care and a feeding tube (down the throat or inserted by intravenous) may be required to get such person back to a healthy state. One to three pounds is the essential goal per weekly with any malnourished patient. Seeing a therapist is also a highly recommended treatment due to the fact that not only is this an eating disorder, but a mental problem as well. Anorexia Nervosa is a lifelong healing process that must be handled in a caring, loving manner. 

Bulimia: or Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person performs binge eating (intakes large amounts of food) and then performs voluntary actions in order to control their weight/ lose weight. Normally, vomiting intentionally is the action performed. However, having laxatives, excessive exercising and other measures are taken to attempt to undo this binge eating. 

Symptoms/ Signs? Binge Symptoms: Overeating consistently, secretly eating, eating unsubstantial amounts of food without ever gaining weight, constant switches of overeating and then fasting. 
Purging Symptoms: Using laxatives, going to the bathroom after eating, excessive exercising, the scent of vomit protrudes from the person. 
Physical Signs: Puffy cheeks (from excessive vomiting), destroyed teeth (from vomiting excessively), at a normal or slightly overweight (those with bulimia are rarely underweight), constant ups and downs in the person's weight. 

Side Effects: bloating, abdominal pain, ulcers, tooth decay, chronic sore throat, weight gain, swelled cheeks, weakness or dizziness, loss of menstrual periods, acid reflux, ruptured stomach or esophagus, etc.. 

Causes? Self-esteem issues, poor body image, past trauma or abuse, appearance - driven sports, jobs or activities, major life changes, media, etc.. 

Treatment: admit that you do indeed have a problem and that you want the help, talk to someone you feel comfortable talking to or whom you trust, stay away from the triggers (people, places, things) that make you want to binge or purge, get professional help (doctor, psychiatrist). 

Eating disorders are lifelong conditions but they can be helped if you're willing. If you know someone or are someone suffering with one of the above conditions, please seek professional help immediately so that you get the help you need. Death is NOT an option for beauty. LIVING is beauty. 

