About the Author:
My name is Stephanie. When I was a little girl I dreamed of becoming all sorts of things; from a princess to a doctor, a teacher and an artist, my occupation aspirations were all over the place! Nowadays, I find refuge in writing. Not only is it a hobby to come to when the days are long and boring, but it is also a place to let out my most inner feelings and thoughts.
Today, society has evolved into something that I find to be extremely inaccurate. Sex is the seller, body image is the killer and we are scrutinised if our weight reaches above the media's "ideal." I heard a quote once that said, "if the definition of beauty gets any thinner, no one will fit." What kind of a way is that to live? What kind of words are those to live by?
To me, each and every single person is beautiful in their own way. We all ignite a flame like no other with our unique qualities and personalities.
With the constant nag of, "I'm not pretty enough.." I'd decided to make this site to inspire others and to help them to believe that they are beautiful. I have also been the survivor of an eating disorder and I continue to battle it each and every day. Although mine was not as bad as many, it was still a challenge and I learn from this mistake every single day.
So will you follow me in the voyage of changing lives, improving our future and taking a stand against this mediocre, unethical viewpoint of what "beauty" really is?
Break free from similarity and be you!
Sincerely yours,